Do not use what I am about to teach you

I am gearing up to teach Structural Equation Modeling this fall term. (We are on quarters, so we start late — our first day of classes is next Monday.)

Here’s the syllabus. (pdf)

I’ve taught this course a bunch of times now, and each time I teach it I add more and more material on causal inference. In part it’s a reaction to my own ongoing education and evolving thinking about causation, and in part it’s from seeing a lot of empirical work that makes what I think are poorly supported causal inferences. (Not just articles that use SEM either.)

Last time I taught SEM, I wondered if I was heaping on so many warnings and caveats that the message started to veer into, “Don’t use SEM.” I hope that is not the case. SEM is a powerful tool when used well. I actually want the discussion of causal inference to help my students think critically about all kinds of designs and analyses. Even people who only run randomized experiments could benefit from a little more depth than the sophomore-year slogan that seems to be all some researchers (AHEM, Reviewer B) have been taught about causation.